IU: 써니힐 언니들이 다음 주에 컴백이래요! 제목은 고퀄병맛!
IU: Sunny Hill unnis will have their comeback next week! The title is 'high quality eccentric taste'!
(Note: Earlier on, Cho PD first tweeted about that as the title of Sunny Hill's song, because it's a song with a pretty unusual quality, but it's not really the title of course.)
Bongsamee: 다 망쳤어......
Bongsamee: You totally messed up......
Cho PD: 너땜에 망했어...
Cho PD: All messed up now because of you...
Sunny Hill's Misung: 아팀장님! 저.. 고퀄병맛 가수인데요ㅋㅋ 저희 노래 제목 '백마는 오고 있는가' 입니다ㅋㅋ
Sunny HIll's Misung: Ah team leader! (Note: IU is their team leader for publicity) I'm.. a singer of 'high quality eccentric taste' keke The title of our song is 'Is a white horse coming?' keke
IU: Sunny Hill unnis will have their comeback next week! The title is 'high quality eccentric taste'!
(Note: Earlier on, Cho PD first tweeted about that as the title of Sunny Hill's song, because it's a song with a pretty unusual quality, but it's not really the title of course.)
Bongsamee: 다 망쳤어......
Bongsamee: You totally messed up......
Cho PD: 너땜에 망했어...
Cho PD: All messed up now because of you...
Sunny Hill's Misung: 아팀장님! 저.. 고퀄병맛 가수인데요ㅋㅋ 저희 노래 제목 '백마는 오고 있는가' 입니다ㅋㅋ
Sunny HIll's Misung: Ah team leader! (Note: IU is their team leader for publicity) I'm.. a singer of 'high quality eccentric taste' keke The title of our song is 'Is a white horse coming?' keke
(In reply to Bongsamee's tweet of this photo:
IU: 아니 꽃과 저렇게 안 어울리다니ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
IU: Hey he doesn't go very well with the flowers kekekekeke
IU: 아니 꽃과 저렇게 안 어울리다니ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
IU: Hey he doesn't go very well with the flowers kekekekeke
Credits to squishyblob @ weheartiu Read more
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