
Good bye for now

I made this blog to indicate my love to IU and to have all people out there get to know the news and updates of IU in her everday life. I used my little spare time everyday to do this blog and post it up for you guys. I will enter first year of high school soon so I am considered about my studies and didn't want to spend any other time on other things. So I sadly have to announce the closing of this blog. Hope you guys enjoy my blog and don't forget to love and support IU more and more. Thank you so much.

*You can go to these websites that I always get the sources of IU and her updates: www.weheartiu.com
iu-jjang.tumblr.com Read more


  1. Aw Thank you for your efforts!

    Work hard! :)

  2. Awww totally enjoyed getting updates here...:(

    Thank you for being an iu fan hehe do your best in school!
