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IU Galaxy Note II interview 130409 [Translation]


It’s your first time being the main character in a drama (KBS ‘You’re the Best, Lee Soon Shin’, but it made it to the #1 weekend drama.
“The higher ratings mean it’s more demanding for us, but I’m grateful and happy. The atmosphere at the filming site has become more friendly. Even with our tight filming schedule, thanks to the close teamwork between our experienced actors and production crew, it doesn’t feel tiring and I’m having fun filming.”

The main character in the drama (Lee Soon Shin) seems to have the qualities of young people in this generation, who are troubled about their career choices and paths. She seems quite different from you, since you found your calling to become a singer early on in life.
“If you look at the ‘IU’ now, that seems to be so, but if you look at who I was before I became a singer, I’m not that different from ‘Lee Soon Shin’. After I resolved to become a singer during my middle school days, I went for a lot of auditions and experienced many setbacks too. I think of the Soon Shin who fails to get a job as who I was back then. Everyone goes through suffering and uneasiness until they achieve their dream. I recalled my image in the past and found that I was able to naturally sympathise with my role. The advice from the more experienced actors as well as the help from the production crew greatly helped me to immerse myself in the acting.

In the drama, you’re the silly little sister bullied by her successful elder sisters, but what is it like in reality? (Lol actually it’s just Yoo Inna right?)
Soon Shin seems to be a kinder person than me (laughter). If I was bullied like that in real life, I wouldn’t be able to tolerate it. We share similarities too, though. Sometimes, we seem rather pitiful. Even so, there are times when I’m jealous of Soon Shin for having two elder sisters too. Although she is bullied, they seem like a blissful family. Maybe it’s because I only have a younger brother, so from a young age, I’m always really jealous when I see my friends fight with their elder sisters or share nice stuff with one another.

To become an all-rounded person and do both singing and acting, 24 hours will not be enough for you. How do you organise your schedule?
I’m at the filming site all day. Since I have a lot of scenes, I have to plan my schedule meticulously. I use ‘Galaxy Note 2’ to arrange my schedule, almost like it’s my manager. Along with my alarm, I start my day with ‘Morning briefing’ which reads out my schedule for the day to me. For more detailed tasks, I use my ‘S Planner’ or ‘Easy note’ to handwrite my notes.”

As you’re watching a video, from the multi-window menu, you can select ‘S Note’ and split your screen to watch the video while you take notes at the same time. What do you do during your spare time in between filming?
I practise my lines and do some research to immerse myself more fully in my character or the context. I like to scribble, so I write down in my ‘S Note’ things that I want to say to Soon Shin and lyrics for the new album I’m preparing too. I write down things that are not going well one by one and then use the ‘Delete S Note’ function to vent my frustrations too. On ‘S Note’, if i pinch the screen with three fingers, the paper appears to crumple up and gets deleted. It’s a really environmentally-friendly way to relieve stress (laughter). When I’m watching my own acting, the multi-window function is really useful. By splitting the screen, as I watch myself, I can take notes on expressions or speech mannerisms that I need to change and areas I need to improve on, using ‘S Note’.

Between singing and acting, which is more interesting?
Both are interesting and both are challenging. Singing and acting combined together give me energy. After staying at the filming site for too long, it feels refreshing to be standing on stage again. Singing heals and recharges me. Just like acting, singing requires one to have empathy. As I act, what I learn about expressing emotions comes in handy when I’m singing too. In order to record my various emotions, I use Galaxy Note 2’s ‘Photo Note’. I can write notes on the front or back of photos, to treasure the thoughts and feelings I have when I’m acting.

What kind of music would you like to compose in future? And what are your plans from now on?
There are lots of new things I want to try. I want to have a voice powerful enough to represent my music. Corinne Bailey Rae, a singer-songwriter I want to be like, doesn’t use techniques, but has a clean, deep and gentle voice. I want to try making use of my acting experience to produce music with a more matured feel too. Right now, I plan to commit myself to acting in the drama, because I think the drama helps me to develop as an individual. Recently, while I enjoy acting as Soon Shin, going through the unfortunate circumstances in the drama, I often think to myself that I should appreciate the finer things in life. I’ll show a more matured side of myself by incorporating my acting experience from this drama into my next album.

Translated by squishy with love
Source: daum

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