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[FANCAFE] 130614 IU replies to fans’ comments

x~x…=3= It’s Kiss Day today, aren’t you going to do anything special for us today…?
IU: -insert selca- Nope!!!

Bbcone: Don’t you have a selca like last year’s? Not this kind of selca, a really pretty selca.
IU: Nowadays , I don’t spend so much effort decorating my photos..

IU: No anime, I recommend Meeting in a Quiet Room.
Kira: What do you mean?;;;;;
BabyYooJamjam: Some webtoon.
Jinwoo: Eh?
앓이해: What?
IU: This is what happens when people write a comment then delete it.

BBcone: Replying to comments on a post made a day ago, it seems your interest has changed?
IU: It’s not because of that, it’s just that I can’t be bothered to write a new post~~~~
오아오: Ehh we know all about it!

리제: what are you doing now? (Note: written in English) (If I write like this, you don’t know what I’m talking about right?)
IU: Omg English of such high level difficulty..
국민가수닷: Really difficult, please write something else (Note: In Busan dialect)

Leaf: Seems like you’re becoming prettier
IU: That seems to be true of my selca image

BabyYooJamjam: Hurry up and tell us.. Do you dip your sweet and sour pork in sauce or pour the sauce over it…? It’s important…*
IU: I had sweet and sour pork today.

Nadia: Which part of Meeting in the Quiet Room is interesting????
IU: Rather than a certain part, while unpleasant, it has the overall mood of a light movie, so I liked it.
Nadia: Unpleasant… I’ll have to go check it out then.

Nadia: Gilja ahjumma doesn’t appear in Episode 31??? The focus will be on the best couple?
IU: At present, we’ve signed Gilja ahjumma.

툭툭털자: We prefer the pure Soonshin to a heavily decorated IU.
IU: -insert selca- Like this?

Loveing: On the day of your comeback, I’ll go and give horrible shrieks(?)
IU: Oh I would love to hear that hurry up~

아보팬보나: That looks like it was taken in the recording studio!!! Am I right??!!
IU: Omg how did you know..

BabyYooJamjam: So is it dip or pour? ㅡㅡ I think it’s pour. The sauce gets absorbed and the meat becomes tender.
언니랑노올자: Alright, got it. I dip mine in sauce.
IU: Other than when I have no space to put the plate, I usually pour the sauce.

라꾸유: Compared to other singers’ fans, what are your fans good at?
IU: My fans pretend to feel honoured onlywhen IU makes her appearance at the broadcasting station, but pay attention to other singers during other times.

Spinel: Do you request for them to serve the sauce separately at Yeouido jjambbong restaurant too? They seem to only serve it with the sauce poured over the meat.
IU: So I eat it all up before it turns soggy.

국민가수닷: There are rumours that IU is becoming more chic. During live broadcasts when fans get angry or make noise, she doesn’t even look over.
IU: To fans, being angry = IU’s tears on stage

-deleted comment-
IU: I really want to keep… this pic…

와이어: Did you use up all the money in your bank account after treating the fans to meat during your 4th anniversary?
IU: There’s enough to last till my 40th anniversary.

Luckyguy: Are you done filming now or are you waiting?
IU: Today was filmed on set so we finished early~

BBcone: Lee Soonshin filming will end in August, do you have the confidence to make your comeback before that?
IU: But~~~I don’t~~~ I’ll just sing alone to myself. Don’t mind me..

다뉴: (photo caption: The week song. Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, FriSatSun
Do you like such pics?
IU: Spring Sum~~~~~~~~~mer Autumn Win~~~~~~~~ter

혜진상: Post another selca before you goㅜㅜ!
Didn’t you take any during your MT? ㅋㅋ
IU: I took many selcas then! I’ll show them after the Sunday broadcast!

혜주동생: I was sleeping in the reading room today and dreamt of a ghost. (Note: said in a cute way)
IU: ㅋㅋㅋ Dreamt of a ghost. This phrase will come in handy.

IU: Everyone, don’t dream of ghosts, dream of me.
IU: Does everyone~ (Note: cute version) sound better?

날달걀: Dangbingbangdanggangeungnonglaengddongangnangongnangyong. (Note: cutesy way of saying “aren’t you going to release a song like “sea of moonlight" again?)
IU: angnangwangyong. (Note: cutesy way of saying nope.)

Translated by squishy with love

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