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[FANCAFE] 130712 From.IU - I’m back from Wando..

Strangely, there are days that I look good in photos.. Yesterday was one of those days..ㅋㅋ
Wando was really really hot today….
So I ate four ice-creams, all of them the exact same flavourㅋㅋ
Also ate a lot of abalone and got a lot of mosquito bites
And it was totally burning!! But it was goodㅜㅜ.. Wando is really pretty and nice.
I think after we finish filming the drama, when we think back on the most tiring filming session, yet we were laughing and having a good time, Wando would come to mind..ㅋㅋ I even have a new talent! Eating abalone!!ㅋㅋ
Many events happened in the past week.. hahahaha um..
For now let’s work hard to complete this week’s filming!! I’m really tired.. @_@.. Goodnight~
ps. 38 will be interesting

Translated by squishy with love

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