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IU - Music Japan TV Interview 130715 [ENG TRANSLATION]

(Note: Sorry the yt and dm videos have all been taken down :( Italicised parts were spoken in Korean.)

IU: Long time no see, viewers of Music Japan. This is IU.
[TEXT] IU - Debuted in 2008 with mini-album, ‘Lost and Found’. Known as the ‘nation’s little sister’ with her amazing vocals and cute appearance. Her Japanese debut single, ‘Good Day (Japanese Version)’, released in March 2012, was a hit. As the main actress of the TV drama, “You’re the Best, Lee Soon Shin", she’s currently busy with her acting.
[TEXT] IU ~ MJ Interview
[TEXT] The much-anticipated mini-album “Can You Hear Me?" has been released. We interviewed IU, who held her [IU~The First Fanmeeting in Japan~Osaka] successfully. It’s full of IU’s charms!

IU: It’s my first… original Japanese album. The title song is a song written for me by Jam & Lewis, ‘Beautiful Dancer’. It’s an R&B song… I don’t really have much experience with the R&B genre. I personally felt… felt that R&B didn’t really suit me, but after working on this album, umm… as I did R&B, I gradually… felt it kind of… kind of suited me?

It’s a new challenge I’m taking on, so I hope everyone who listens to the album will find it refreshing. It’s not a genre that I usually do, so I hope you get to see a different side of my vocals. 
- New World -

Furuka: Above all else, you’ve started it again… IU’s fanmeeting in Japan.
IU:  Yes!
Furuka: It’s Osaka!
IU: Woooo~
IU: Thank you.
Furuka: After coming to Osaka, you’ve already had your takoyaki?
IU: Yes, I have.
Furuka: That’s fast.
IU: Yep, yep.
Furuka: How does it feel? Looking back on the past year…
IU: Um, time passes really quickly.
Furuka: Really quickly…
IU: Yes.
IU: I had my concert in Tokyo, and came to Osaka too… and Nagoya… and so on
Furuka: Yes, Nagoya and so on… Sapporo as well.
IU: Sapporo…
Furuka: And Fukuoka too, right?
IU: Fukuoka!
Furuka: You went everywhere around Japan.
IU: That’s right.
Furuka: Your newly released album has received a lot of positive feedback.
IU: Yes.
Furuka: In the album, there’s a song entitled ‘Beautiful Dancer’, right?
IU: Yes.
Furuka: I heard that a really famous person wrote it for you..
IU: Yes.
Furuka: Well, Jam & Lewis gave IU a massa… ah, not a massage, a message.
- Message from Jam & Lewis -

Furuka: When you first heard the melody of the song that Jam & Lewis wrote for you, how did you feel?
IU: I thought it was… really pretty. Whether it’s the melody, or the lyrics, or the chorus, it was all really pretty, so I was very touched.
Furuka: It has a melody line that is slightly similar to Minnie Ripperton’s ‘Loving You’ that you like. It’s a great song of that sort of standard…
IU: Ah very much so… Thank you.
Furuka: IU, you…
IU: Ah, I had Madame Shinco today too.
Furuka: Ah, you had Madame Shinco? You’re suddenly mentioning Madame Shinco, after Jam & Lewis…
IU: As you were… speaking, you said something that sounded like Madame Shinco…
Furuka: Jam & Lewis… Madame Shinco… Yes, you gave me a shock there. She wasn’t listening to what others were saying and was only thinking of Madame Shinco..
- Beautiful Dancer -

Furuka: … I watched the Beautiful Dancer PV, so how many days were you in Thailand?
IU: Two days.
Furuka: Just two days?
IU: Yes, two days.
Furuka: Ah, don’t tell me you filmed all the way late into the night.
IU: Yes.
Furuka: But after you appeared, from the later half onwards, the young girl disappeared, and she became you.
IU: Yes.
Furuka: So were the young girl and boy there with you throughout the filming?
IU: Yes, that’s right. We were there together.
Furuka: That’s a surprise. I thought they were a Thai boy and girl, but it turns out they are Korean idols.
IU: Yes, that’s right. Aren’t they adorable?
Furuka: Are they child actors?
IU: ?
Furuka: Actors
IU: Ah… um… they are trainees.
Furuka: Ah, trainees.
IU: Yes.
Furuka: There are such young trainees?
IU: Ahahaha… Yes, that’s right.
Furuka: I see… Both the boy and the girl?
IU: Yes.
Furuka: How old is the girl?
IU: The girl is….. 6 years old?
Furuka: 6 years old? The boy then?
IU: The boy was…. in his first year of middle school.
Furuka: A 6 year old girl and first year middle school student…
IU: Yes.
Furuka: So the two of them grew up like that -points- It has a theme of reunion… Well, back to the topic of IU, your dancing abilities have (improved) too…
IU: Thank you.
Furuka: How much did you practise for this dance?
IU: Ah… umm…
Furuka: It’s coming up now… The dance portion.
IU: I forgot. Um…
Furuka: You forgot?
IU: I forgot.
Furuka: Did you practise the dance in Korea before going there?
IU: Yes, that’s right. In the practice room at our company.
Furuka: In the practice room… You must have practised really hard, it looks really beautiful.
Furuka: How was the weather that day?
IU: It was so~ hot.
Furuka: Really hot?
IU: Really hot.
Furuka: But we don’t feel like it’s hot there at all, instead it seems cool and refreshing…
IU: Ah, yes.
Furuka: About the male actor, during You & I, it was the actor, Lee Hyunwoo, wasn’t it?
IU: Yes.
Furuka: Who was it this time?
IU: Ah, this dancer is our… company’s… rookie.
Furuka: Rookie.
IU: Rookie boy group… History.
Furuka: So he’s a member of History.
IU: He’s a mam..member of History. Song Kyungil.
Furuka: Song Kyungil.. featured in IU’s video before he debuted…
IU: Yes.
Furuka: I see.
IU: He’s really good at dancing.
-You and I (Japanese version) PV-

IU: Yes, the next song is from my new album too. It’s a song… I composed. It’s a song that I wrote the lyrics to and got someone to help me translate them. What’s the title of the song? Yes, it’s ‘Voicemail’. I hope you like it.
- Voicemail -


IU: Thank you. That was ‘Voicemail’. It’s a slightly heartbreaking song, but somehow, the lyrics are… umm… umm… ahahahaha. When you’re going through one-sided love… everyone has (experienced) that before right? Yes… yes… I have too, so… whenever I sing this song, I feel kind of sad. Yes, that was my favourite song in the album, Voicemail. Thank you.
Furuka: Well then, Yes or No?
IU: (The answer) is blue…
Furuka: The answer is blue. Those who put red, please take a seat.
IU: The lyrics.. lyrics first.
Furuka: The lyrics first! (Note: That was probably a question about whether IU write the lyrics first or the melody first when composing.)
Furuka: Happy birthday to you~~
IU: Thank you so much.
Furuka: Happy birthday, IU.
IU: Thank you.
Furuka: Yes, it’s a cake prepared by your fanclub members. What do you think of the warm support from your fans?
IU: Ah, I’m really touched. To be honest, I kind of… kind of… expected it?Furuka: Ah, you kind of expected it.
IU: -imitating what he just said but sounding like gibberish-
Furuka: ROFL
IU: Anyway, I’m touched. Ah, thank you!
Furuka: You know, I really like this side of IU. Ah, instead of going ‘I didn’t expect this at all. Thank you so much’, she was more like ‘Yeah, well I knew about it. There was something going on right?’ I like that.
IU: Thank you.
Furuka: Well, with that, happy birthday!
IU: Thank you.
Furuka: I hope you become even cooler.
IU: Alright.

IU: Seeing everyone smil…smiling… smiling faces looking at me and wishing me a happy birthday and listening to my music, I was really happy. Yes. I want to become more perfect in what I do. Um, I’m still not perfect yet, so I want to gradually become that kind of girl. Please continue to support me in future. This was IU. Thank you.
- Good Day (Japanese ver.) -
IU: Thank you. This was IU.

Translated by squishy with love (via junius’ korean subs)

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