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[TRANSLATION] IU 130819 Niconico ‘next door’ vol.01

[TRANSLATION] 130819 Nico Nico ‘next door’ IU vol.01
[TEXT] On a day in July, we heard that IU was coming for her new album photoshoot. In order to capture that on camera, we set off for the shooting location.
Guy: Are the tomatoes delicious?
IU: I’m on a diet!
Guy: You’re on a diet, but you’re still eating?
IU: Mmn.
Guy: Are they delicious?
IU: Mmn.
Another guy: What are you having?
IU: Tomatoes.
Guy: Whoa.. that’s a lot.
IU: Tomatoes have no… calories. Yep, they don’t.
Guy: You’re on a diet?
IU: Mmn. *munch munch*
Guy: You’ve had a long shoot, aren’t you tired?
IU: Mmn, I’m fine. Although I’m not sure about tomorrow.
Guy: What’s happening tomorrow?
IU: I’m filming a drama.
Guy: Starting from what time?
IU: 5 o’clock.
Guy: 5 o’clock??
IU: 5am!
Guy: The smell of the hanabi (sparklers) is overpowering.
IU: Hanabi? What’s hanabi? (Note: in Korean)
*Someone explains to her*
IU: Ahh ahh ahh ahh…
Guy: We’ll be using sparklers for the next part of the shoot.
IU: Yes. *Waving her tomato in her hand*

Lady: Give me your shoes. (Note: in Korean)
IU: I’ll be going to Japan from August 28th onwards for my new album promotion events. Everyone, please look forward to it!
(Followed by the usual ads)
Translated by squishy with love via 강철주먹유's kor subs

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