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[TRANSLATION] IU’s message - Yoo Inna’s Turn Up the Volume 130816

[TRANSLATION] 130816 Yoo Inna’s Turn Up the Volume - IU’s message
IN: Oh! Here is its. Finally found you. Soonshinie is listening to this radio station too! This is IU’s message.
IN: “Soonshinie is listening too! After finishing today’s final drama filming, we had a gathering and ate samgyeopsal (bbq pork)~” (Note: cute way of ending the sentence) Hahahaha ah today was our last filming session.
IN: To be honest, Soonshinie… really eats a lot keke… In my entire life, I’ve never seen a girl who can eat so much.
IN: Anyway, if there’s no one like me by her side to tell her to stop eating, she’ll just keep eating and eating. It’s worrying. “kekeke the YTBLSS cast and crew members are really harmonious keke. Our filming team is really fun. After Soonshinie, Hye Shin unnie and I return from filling our stomachs… keke Jo Jung Suk would say, “You guys are formidable (Note: meaning not easy to deal with)”“
IN: So when we eat, Hye Shin would eat like a normal human being… moderately… the kind who can control herself. But I would eat to the extent of “Whoa.. you can eat so much?”, while Soonshinie would eat to the extent of others saying “Whoa.. if you keep eating like that, your stomach won’t be able to handle it!”
IN: So on our way back, Hye Shin unnie would be like a mum and take out some cash when we say we want to buy some bread or ice-cream and unnie would tell us to pick one each. Then Soonshinie and I would take awhile to pick what we want and let unnie buy them for us and feel blissful.
IN: Unnie is a really nice person. She bought so many delicious things for us to eat.

Translation by squishy with love

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