OnlyU: How many kilos did you lose, unni?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
IU: In 4 days, I lost 4 kilos!!
youthstar: Can you prove you went on a diet???????
IU: When the episodes filmed this week are broadcast, there’ll probably be some scenes that you’ll be like ‘oh she lost weight’.
세옥: A lot of food appears in Master Chef Korea, how did you managed to control yourself? ㅋㅋㅋ
IU: If you lose weight while watching food and controlling yourself, you feel double the pleasure.
Cookieshake: What are you going to have tomorrow? Just a normal meal at home..?
IU: I’m going to buy ribeye.
도르르르: Did you really not touch even a grain of rice?
IU: Yepyep an apple for breakfast, a banana for lunch and drank water! like! crazy!!!
MuDaePPo: Tsk tsk; Cho PD will be wanting to have a talk with you, won’t he? You should lose weight while eating, not starve unconditionally right…?
IU: I didn’t starve unconditionally, I did a lot of exercise too~
찌누: When are you going to comeback ㅠㅠ I miss singer IU. Please come back soon. Until then, I’ll divert my attention somewhere else~
IU: Come back again soon~
Sensation: But why did you go on a diet??
IU: In order to show Miryeong a worse image of myself?
시크래비: I can’t watch this week’s episodes because of my exam… Even so, you won’t hate me right, unni?
IU: I hate you.
로티: You said an apple for breakfast, a banana for lunch and drinking water! like! crazy!… Will doing that for 4 days really help one lose 4 kilos? ㅠ.ㅠ
IU: Plus do a! lot! of! exercise!
장인: To be dieting, that means your comeback is approaching right?? That’s what I’m going to believe.
IU: I’m afraid it’s not that.
menew: The last time you proved to us you were 44kg… At the start of this year… you had too much fun, so it went up to 48kg… then you just lost 4kg again… Are you trying to return to your original weight??? ㅎㅎ
IU: Absolutely right..
Barrett: Then are you just pretending to ‘eat’ in the drama?? You looked like you were enjoying your food though….
IU: Ah that’s for work, so that doesn’t count.
글라라: But then why did you only diet for 4 days??
IU: There’s an important scene to film tomorrow.
자라나무: Can we just asume you’re going to make your comeback after the drama?
IU: That would be good for both sides..
히알루: Don’t tell me.. that important scene is a…ki…ss…scene?ㅜ
IU: U-geu-oeb (To us, there’s no such thing)
Wondergirl: Hey IU, shouldn’t it be “Geu-u-oeb" instead of “U-geu-oeb"? (serious) (negotiability x) (indiscriminate truth)
IU: It means “To us, there’s no such thing", so “U-geu-oeb" is right.
Luckyguy: *insert picture* Did you go on your extreme diet for this scene?? You turned out looking pretty here ^^
IU: Omo so pretty!!ㅋㅋ
IU: Ah I woke up early this morning thinking of food!! Dad is making steamed egg and cooking meat for me. I’ll eat and do well for today’s filming!! It’s a good day!!^^ Ah I’m in a good mood so I’ll leave a few fluttering hearts here. It’s♥a♥good♥day♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
뽀태환: After not eating for a few days, if you suddenly eat steamed egg and meat like crazy, your stomach won’t be able to take it… (Note: He used(?) to be a fancamer for IUstudio)
IU: What’s this?? It’s 뽀태환!
IU: *Insert photo of puppy bbuggu* ‘Ah~ I don’t feel like having my photo taken’
IU: *Insert photo* ‘I’ll only let you take a photo from this angle’
IU: *Insert photo* Dad cutting meat
IU: *insert photo* Adding kimchi that isn’t ready yet to the kimchi stew fail
IU: *Insert photo* Seol-jjik-to is perfect for summer! For seol-jjik-to, the main point is dipping the tomato in sugar until it becomes to-jjik-seol.
(Note: She means the ‘seoltang (sugar)’ part is more important so the ‘seol’ needs to come first)
서울토박이: You should try dipping a bar of rounded rice cake in honey and soy sauce..
IU: Ahahaha totally craving for that now..
Translated by squishy with love Read more
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