IU: I keep smelling 계란빵 (egg bread) the whole day.. What a weird day..
IU: I recall last year’s SBS Daejeon when I finished the live broadcast at midnight and came out to the carpark and all the celebrities were queuing to leave in their cars, even though it was really cold, there were two high school students I couldn’t see very well who were waving to me at the side and knocked on my car window, passed me a bag of egg bread and ran off embarrassedly, then slipped on the icy ground.. Conclusion is that this winter, I’ll eat egg bread until I’m bloated.
(Note: According to the fans who were there, there were a number of fans present, but Seungri was the “high school" student who passed the egg bread to IU then, but he’s actually not a high school student hahaha. The other fan could have been OneS.)
Moonlight: -insert photo- Thanks for remembering the egg bread^^ Although you made a slight error ㅋㅋ; It snowed a lot that day, so it was an unforgettable day..
IU: Don’t tell me I mistook Moonlight as the high school student!!ㅋㅋ Was there a egg bread stall nearby or something, I received so many egg breads that dayㅋㅋ It must have felt good to be mistaken as a high school student, right?
사막여유: -insert photo- If you want, I’ll make them for you.
IU: -insert photo- Ahh don’t be like that.
사막여유: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It should be an appetiser ㅋㅋㅋ let us know if you stop dieting!!^~^
IU: How about passing me the recipebook instead!
Jjinwoo: -insert photo- I’m here to eat some kongguksu (cold soybean noodles)~~ Would you like some too~??**
IU: -insert photo- Then I’ll have some kongguksu flavoured protein powder with milk !
돼장이: Noona, are you hungry? I thought the love from us fans would fill your stomach
IU: Then of course I’m hungry.. My stomach is making noises..
Jamjam: What flavour protein powder are you having? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Cookies and cream? Chocolate? Strawberry?
IU: Kongguksu flavour.
Onepiece: -insert photo- Hohor this is the protein powder isn’t it? I researched and this can replace meals.. I want to cry ㅠㅠㅠ
IU: But if you drink it with milk, it’s good!
Kira: Later on when you’re filming outdoors, if there’s a bonguseu burger (rice burger) chain store, check it out. It’s yummy.
IU: Bonggu rice is yummy too!
BBcone: -insert photo- When you’re dieting, they say the food that is hardest to abstain from is fried chicken! What’s the food that’s the most difficult to abstain from for you?
IU: -insert photo- Korean cold noodles.
개구리군: Is the IU counseling centre closed forever? ㅠㅠ
IU: -insert photo- Someone help me out here too.
Fan: -deleted post-
IU: That’s right!! Check out that jawline!! Everyone!! This photo is proof of my hard work which has not gone to waste (Note: She means of dieting)!!
Bbcone: -insert photo- By Korean cold noodles, do you mean this?
IU: Just looking at it makes me happy!! Satisfying my craving!!
몽실몽실: -insert photo- Did you gain 4 kilos from eating a lot of mangoes then? (Note: During the Beautiful Dancer PV filming)
IU: If I ate a bit fewer mangoes then..
툭툭덜자: -insert photo- You look chubby when you tie your hair up like that. As I watch the show, depending on the camera angle, you look chubby sometimes and slender sometimes..
IU: When my mum did this hair for me, she said I looked the most slender..
아보팬버나: Is there ever going to be a day that Soonshin doesn’t cry?
IU: She doesn’t cry tomorrow!
Bbcone: Anyway did you finish watching the whole of Master Chef Korea which you downloaded?
IU: Yep~ It was really enjoyable Really bbbb (Note: ‘b’ is a thumbs up sign)
Bbcone: IU, did you sing at the wedding of someone you know?
IU: Yes. I just came back from singing at the wedding.
김땡땡: What song did you sing?.?.?
IU: Even though I can’t protect you from the rain that’s falling~~
김땡땡: Oh it’s Zia’s 물론 (Certainly)!
IU: -insert photo- My mum sent me this photo.
IU: -insert photo- my mum is so cute (Note: IU’s mum, whom she saves in her phone as ‘Umma 2’ and uses IU’s photo as her profile pic, probably saw the standee outside and took a photo to show it to her. Her reaction was “daebak (awesome) ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ and her mum said, “I got a shock. I almost went in~~")
아보팬버나: Omg unni, your mum’s profile pic is really pretty…
IU: Looks just like me, right?
Moonlight: The couple whose wedding you sang at today must be really happy^^ In future when I get married, please sing ‘Love Attack’ ㅋㅋ Although I know that day will never come +_+;
IU: So is there a girl you’re marrying?
툭툭덜자: Omg;;
Moonlight: I’ll look for someone to stand next to me and listen to IU sing at my wedding +_+
툭툭덜자: 1
Luckyguy: I’ll stand in line too ㅎ
Sunflower: Queue…
툭툭덜자: Your mum’s profile pic is too small and can’t be seen clearly. Please show us a clearer photo.
IU: -insert photo- Good stuff should be viewed in a larger size right~~~
Bbcone: It’s a selca from the Osaka fanmeeting right?
IU: That’s right. The day I ate a lot of takoyaki.
IU: -insert photo of Kakaotalk convo with her brother back in March- (Note: Basically she kept spamming him to get his attention and ask him about his whereabouts. He replied that he’s studying and she told him to remember to shut the door of the playground before he leaves for school the next day)
IU: -insert photo of Kakaotalk conversation with her brother back in April- (Note: She’s spamming him again to get his attention, ending with “if you’re rude towards me one more time")
IU: -insert another screencap of convo with brother in April- (Note: At 2:30 am, she told her brother to tell grandma not to set the table for her since she’s going out without eating, but her brother only saw the message at 12pm. The next day, she asked her brother where he is again, he replied that he’s at home and she asked if mum’s in the living room.)
IU: -insert screencap of convo with her brother in May- (Note: She’s asking where he is and how long he would take to get home. He replied 2 to 30 mins. Then another message asking where he was. And another message asking if he was at home.)
IU: -insert screencap of convo with her brother in June- And he has never tried to contact me.. (Note: The same messages as above. Asking for his attention again, ending with the latest message in June, “Oh it seems you’re just not checking my messages now.")
(A fan asked what the ‘if you’re rude towards me one more time” message was about)
IU: -insert more complete screencap of the convo- That actually got him to reply.
(Note: She actually said “If you’re rude towards me one more time, I’m not giving you any allowance.)
다뉴: Unni, today’s (episode) was really good!!!!!!
IU: But tomorrow’s would be even better..
화이탱이유: Were you monitoring Lee Soonshin?
IU: I didn’t manage to watch todayㅜㅜ I watched a little then had to go for filming so I couldn’t watchㅜㅜ
IU: I’m going to have breakfast again tomorrow.!
Translated by squishy with love Read more
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