아보팬버나: Were you wearing Soonshin’s clothes when you left after Inkigayo today?
IU: glhd
아보팬버나: geuleohada (sort of)ㅋㅋㅋ
라꾸유: You’re still on a diet… right?
IU: I’m eating chocolate and drinking milk like crazy
몽실몽실: Unni..Then why did you lose weight?..
IU: Because I was bored!!
베씨: What did you have for breakfast? ㅋ.ㅋ
IU: -insert photo- tadah~~
베씨: Ah soybean stew!! slurp
날달걀: If you’re bored, how about losing 10kg?
IU: Nah I’m already a chupa chups lollipop. (Note: Meaning she’s just a head on a stick now.)
다뉴: Unni, did the important scene appear today?
IU: It appeared yesterday..
화이탱이유: Also, the hairstyle that looks like you have about 3 perilla leaves sticking to your head doesn’t look good on you…. Since the Good Day era, that hairstyle really wasn’t very good.
IU: To each their own. (Note: meaning to respect one another’s preferences)
스마일리: What did you have for dinner?
IU: Mixed rice with herbs
돼장이: Wah but do you know what day it is today? Don’t tell me you don’t knowㅡㅡ!!?
IU: I still remember until today~ The night of the last day of June..
(Note: These are lyrics from the song “Forgotten Season".)
Translated by squishy with love Read more
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